26 Great Accumulates DA CHU


Advantageous Trial. Do not eat in your dwelling or clan.
Wise Words! The Way is open.
Advantageous to step into the Great Stream.

Focus on one central plan. Use the wisdom of the past to nurture your inner power. Don’t try to start something new yet. Beware of erratic lifestyle, emotional swings and shifting ideals. Be consistent and focus on high personal ideals.

The Image
The old characters show the power of the Great People and three connected silk bundles on a planted field, profound, dark and mysterious.

Circle of Meanings
Concentrate, focus on one central idea, bring everything together; support, nourish, train, gather, hoard; accumulate energy and wisdom by stepping out of the habitual; a great effort that brings great achievement; a protective shell. Heart Theme: 54 a radical change caused by forces beyond your control.


Spirit Helpers
Mountain contains Heaven. Youngest Son and Father, the Gatekeeper and the Creator establish an outer limit that accumulates inspiring inner ideas. Gather all the many parts of yourself and your experiences. Search out the old sources of wisdom and take in what is coming. Think of yourself as raising animals or growing crops. Tolerate and nourish what you accumulate. Do not stay at home or in your usual circle of friends. This is the right time to embark on a significant enterprise. Now is the time to accumulate things through the power of a great central idea. Renew your connection to the way each day. Nourish your moral and intellectual power. This is a great time. The connections reach to heaven.

Voice of the Mothers
Focus on one great idea and impose a direction on your life. Step outside the norms and accumulate the wisdom of the past. Inner perseverance now reveals the patterns that mark real ends and beginnings. Prepare the message you will pass to a new generation (62). Do not focus on resolving personal difficulties (39).

Great Accumulating refers to offerings that were the prelude to all major undertakings, offerings to the Four Hidden Winds or Directions, to River and Mountain and the Five Sacrifices of the House. These were great jiao-sacrifices that included dances, wine drinking and celebration in which a spirit-meal was shared with all. Held at the Outskirts Altar, they included all the clans, bringing people them out of their separate dwellings. The King prepared these ceremonies by making an offering to the Four Distant Ones at the Hidden Temple. The victim, the Red Bull was selected and prepared long in advance. On the appointed day the King dressed in the Sun and Moon robe, stepped into the Chariot of Heaven and proceeded to the Southern Mound. Peasants lined the way, standing at the edge of the fields with torches. The Blind Musicians played as the King entered the Mound and called the spirits down. A large pyre was lit. The Boundary Men who drew the limits of the fields brought in the Red Bull to the sound of gongs and singing stones. The King killed the victim with arrows and the blood was presented to Heaven as first offering. The body was placed on the pyre together with circular pieces of blue jade, the holes to paradise. When everything had burned the King and the Corpse-Embodier who carried the spirit of First Ancestor ascended the Mound. Hou Ji who gave grain to all the people was sent to the Heavenly Court to act as Intermediary to the High Lord who dispenses the Fates. The ceremony ended with a great dance called the Gate of Clouds in which the King himself took part.

Summer (26): Ripen the fruits by changing your approach. Don’t do what you’ve always done. Check your integrity and get back on track. Trust your instincts and the treasure is yours.
Fall (18): Harvest the crop by restoring your ideals. Abandon the past and embrace the new. Seek the lessons in your experiences. Trust your instincts and the treasure is yours.
Winter (46): Find the seed of the new by relying on your own inner strength. Express yourself freely. Put things in order. Find the people you truly belong with. Cooperate with the process.
Spring (11): Rouse new growth by disentangling yourself from past influences. Do not try to force things. Find the people you really belong with. Everything will turn out for the best.

Voice of the Fathers
This is a Realizing Figure, part of the Sacred Sickness Pathways that connect personal disorders with cultural change. It is an experience of the Centers of Powers in the stage of the Symbolic Life that centers on initiation, finding a relation to culture and the search for an image of the deeper self.

The Situation: Limited and contained for your own good. Everything is basically under control. Contain potentially disordered situations and people.

Caring for Others: You can inspire loyalty by being yourself, focusing on your central idea and applying it. Cultivate and use valuable ideals with sources in ancient wisdom. Focus on balancing energies. The strength and clarity of the family is your major asset.

Communication and Interaction: Focus on long-term goals. Look at causes rather than effects. Growth occurs now through painstaking work, not short-term solutions. It is realized through continuity of effort.

Setting Intentions: Keep communications clear and precise. Avoid pointless quarrels. Concentrate on what is useful. Your creative judgment is good but limited. Do not judge others hastily.

Change from the Inside Out: Attempts to expand will be frustrated now. Work on integrity, not on projecting an image. Restrict your actions and look for greater opportunities. You will have to work for further support.

  • Immediate Future: step out of your normal routine.
  • Personal Development: manifest ancient wisdom in your everyday life.
  • Working within the Family: help people contact their own inner guide.
  • Expanding the Circle: hold things together through inner work.
  • Partnership: develop and unify your strength as a pair in your future life.

Pairing: Bringing Change to Life
Each hexagram is part of a Pair that that activates hidden paths of transformative energy through the interaction of the trigrams or Spirit Helpers, connecting phases of Inspiration and Realization. You are in the Realizing phase of this Pair.

The transformative process of the Pair 25:26 Disentangling and Great Accumulates helps you free yourself from old cultural patterns and accumulate the great wisdom of the past.

Outer to Inner: The process shifts the energy of the Creator trigram from the outer world of 25 to the inner world of 26. This turns your creative activity in the outer world into inner perseverance.

Inner to Outer: This interiorisation transforms Groundbreaker trigram in the inner world of 25 into the Gatekeeper trigram in the outer world of 26, turning   inner enlightenment into the ability to perceive patterns that mark real ends and beginnings.

Transforming Lines

Mothering Change presents Transforming Lines as Steps of Change that show you where and how to focus your energy. Click on the links to connect with the Relating Figure generated by each line.

Inner World

Step 1 Beginnings: This return of the spirit attracts a new fate.
Adversity, the hungry souls and angry ghosts.
Advantageous to end this. Offer a sacrifice to Heaven.
It is a blunder to go on in the old way. It would mean disaster and exhaustion. You have followed this spirit as far as you can go. Confront the corruption of the predecessors and correct their faults. Complete this! If you let yourself be led, you can realize the hidden potential. Co-operate with the ongoing process of change. (18 Corruption/Renovating)

Step 2 Inner Center: This inner re-organization leads to harmony with others.
Great Accumulates. Loosen the cart’s axle-straps.
Say it this way: you are carrying hidden cargo.
Draw round the carts and make a barrier each night.
You are carrying something precious, a new possibility that can be of help to all. The connection to a superior person is already there. Though you may be in pain do not treat it as a literal problem. See it imaginatively and spiritually and you will soon have cause to rejoice. Be brave and patient. These goings and comings will release the energy now bound up in the past. Co-operate with the ongoing process of change. (22 Adorning)

Step 3 Threshold: This inner re-balancing lets you make your way in life.
Great Accumulates. Fine horses in pursuit.
Trial: Hardship is advantageous.
Advantageous to have a direction to go.
This is an enabling divination. Pursue your plans and ideals. You can disentangle yourself from the past and free yourself from mistakes. The center of life is moving.  You will acquire a real friend and lose a false one. Something important is returning. Be open and provide what is needed. (41 Diminishing)

Outer World

Step 4 Arrival: This inner preparation leads to what is greater.
Great Accumulates. A horn-board for the young bull.
Wise Words! The Way to the Source is open.

Even though you are without blame you feel you have lost something precious. See this difficult situation as a chance to move on from an old position. By taking precautions now you can accumulate new strength. Do not seek dominance. Retreat and prepare the countermove. This may isolate you but in the end you will succeed. Be resolute and part from the past. You are connected to a creative force. (14 Great Being)

Step 5: Outer Center: This inner re-grouping lets your real purpose shine.
Great Accumulates. A gelded boar’s tusks and a thorn hedge.
Wise Words! The Way is open.
By taking precautions now you can disable a powerful opponent. Empty your mind of immediate goals. Go into retreat and use your hidden connections. Step outside the norms and re-imagine the situation. This brings great rewards in the end. Co-operate with the ongoing process of change. (9 Small Accumulates)

Step 6 Culmination: This inner stripping leads to a breakthrough.
Could this be Heaven’s Highway?
You receive the Blessing. Make an offering and you will succeed.

There is no doubt about your success. Disentangle yourself from the sorrows of the past and go forward. Let old structures dissolve and take vigorous action to find those you belong with. Collect the energy and insight to start anew. A flourishing time is coming. If you let yourself be led, you can realize the hidden potential. Cooperate with the ongoing process of change.  (11 Pervading)